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东莞青少年网  http://www.dgyouth.gd.cn/  2018-10-14 19:52:15




    With the results of CET-4 announced in June, 2018, the international class of 2017 of Financial Management and International Business in college of Economics and Management achieved excellent grade in the CET-4. In total, the two international classes have passed CET-4 with 56 students and 58 applicants, with a passing rate of 97%. Among them, the CET-4 pass rate of 17 Financial Management International Class is 100%, and more than half of students with a score of 500 or above. The CET-4 pass rate of 17 International Business Class is 92.6%, and 500 points or above accounted for 59%. 

    The cultivation of these excellent students is inseparable from the careful cultivation of the college. Since the establishment of the two international classes, the college has attached great importance to them. From the teaching team to the construction of academic atmosphere, both of them have created excellent professional and English learning environments for students. At the same time, the international classes competition is fierce, students have to work harder to not fall behind the team. Therefore, the international classes have formed a good learning atmosphere. It has become the habit of students to listen carefully, take notes and ask questions diligently. Students insist on practicing speaking English in the cold early morning, daily recitation of selected professional courses to supplement vocabulary and CET-4 words and write them down regularly, making use of various opportunities to communicate in English, all of which have made remarkable progress in their English. 

    Congratulations to these two international classes for achieving such excellent results, we hope they can make persistent efforts to achieve another success in the coming CET-6!





来源:东莞理工学院官网 编辑:理工学院
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